One of the things that conflict regions like the Balkans, Caucasian and currently the Middle East have in common is that they were all a part of the Ottoman Empire once. The fact that communities that used to live together peacefully in the past today are hostile each other lead many to seek for ways towards “peace”. One of the leading historians of Turkey, Prof. İlber taylı presents examples that will help to find those ways in his new book, The Ottoman Peace.
Stating the Ottoman Peace is the title of a system, Prof. İlber Ortayli adds that this had been successfully applied by the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans and the Middle East. İlber Ortaylı continues: “The root of nation problems in the East today dates back to the Ottomans. The hope for a solution as much as the problems is in the Ottoman period.”
In the book, the professor also discusses issues like Ottoman intellectuals, the scope of degeneration that Turkish family structure had to go through in the last century, transformation that the Ottoman palaces had undergone during the 19th century, and the intense analysis of the dark sides of the Ottomans that comes from the past.
The Ottoman Peace
Ottoman History / Ilber Ortaylı
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